Manufactured using durable solid steel materials that are packaged in a sleek frame, this motorized mount is designed for 23-inch to 55-inch LCD, LED and Plasma flat screen TVs that weigh up to 60 lbs. VIVO Electric Motorized Flip Down Pitched Roof Ceiling TV Mount ** EDITOR'S CHOICE - BEST MOTORIZED TV MOUNT ** Salamander PM100/M PilotMotion 100 Medium Motorized Wall Mountġ.
Level Mount Full Motion Articulating Motorized Wall Mountĥ. Displays2go LM2647MOT Motorized HDTV Wall MountĤ. FLP-210 In-Ceiling Flip Down Motorized TV Mountģ. ** Editor's Choice - Best Motorized TV Mount **Ģ. VIVO Electric Motorized Flip Down Pitched Roof Ceiling TV Mount To help you make a more informed buying decision and end up with the ideal setup for your home and office - Here are the best motorized TV mounts: Best Motorized TV Mount Comparison Tableġ. You won't need any specialized technical expertise to securely fasten your TV to a motorized mount.
Plus, a lot of motorized TV mounts today are simple to install and easy to operate. Notice the bolts and screws that are equipped into the frame of your TV? It's there for one reason - Your TV was designed to be mounted. On the contrary, motorized TV mounts are exactly designed to make good use of the inherent form factor of the latest LCD, LED and plasma flat screen TVs today. Others think setting up their TVs with motorized TV mounts isn't as quick and simple as it looks. Some believe that it's too dangerous for their TVs to dangle from their walls and ceilings, especially if motorized parts would be used to move and tilt their TVs time and again. Many users have realized these advantages, which is the main reason why more people around the world have started to use motorized TV mounts in their homes and offices.Ī few still hesitate to use motorized TV mounts. This is also a space-conserving product that's most suitable for those with limited areas for home theater systems and office presentation equipment. If anyone is interested, he can reply, and we can talk by private e-mails.A motorized TV mount can provide you with a lot of benefits. Note I both build, and repair tubular motors, for a living. While I do not know for fact, that is the case, I highly suspect it to be so.
When these units are first assembled, people tend to play with them, overloading the thermal protection of the motors. If the thermal devide trips, the motors need to cool, for approximately 30 minutes before again being used. Those motors are designed to be used fo a maximum of 4 minutes every hour (prefferably: 1 minute on, and 14 minutes off, for no more than 4 similar cycles per hour).īecause these motor typed are tremendously geared down, heat is produced, through the gear reduction process. Note the tubular motors are built with internal thermal control devices, that trip at a given temperature. While I am not familliar with this lift type, I would like to mention that many of these TV lifts, are built using tubular motors (such as are used in electric awnings, and hurricane rolling shutters, etc.). To everyone you get what you pay for, especially when it comes from China. We also were able to snap a few photos of the problems inside the lift (a rubbing wire which wore through the insulation and frayed, perhaps during product testing ) )Īfter going through 2 lifts and never getting one to work with a TV on it, I must suggest you seek to spend your money on a quality lift. These lifts are made overseas (China) and simply imported and dumped into the hands of consumers. This is just to alert you, your money may be better spent else where. He will sell you a lift willingly, but absolutely knows nothing about them.
The worst part is as soon as I asked Troy how to fix the lift, he himself had absolutely no idea as to its construction. I took the first unit (non working from its inception) apart to have a look inside and everything is completely amateur-esque. I have spoken with Troy and he himself does not know anything about these units. The lift is going on a yacht and to have it break randomly is completely unacceptable. I plan on calling Firgelli again tomorrow about this problem.
It had gone up and down about 4 times total since I recieved the unit (not one with an actual TV on it). I had just begun installing the unit today. After some hassles they sent out a second unit.
The first one we got did not even work at all. I have been through not one but two Firgelli TV lifts within 4 months These lifts are not built to good standards at all ( or any standards ).